Saturday, December 3, 2011

Rainbow Cake

I like things that make me happy. I made this cake about a year ago and it was a major hit. I also turned it into cupcakes and brought them into work and everyone loved them. It is impossible to be in a bad mood with this around. I have to admit though, that this is a cheater recipe. Usually I try to make everything from as close to scratch as possible. But sometimes I can't say no to the buy one get one free cake mixes. Let's get started.

You'll need:
-White cake batter. Either use a mix or your favorite recipe. Just make sure it is white, or the colors won't turn out as vibrant.
-Food Coloring. I think the gel kind works best because you can use less and get brighter colors. I use red, yellow, blue, and green.
-Six (yes, 6) sets of bowls and spoons to mix the batter colors. Cereal bowls work great for this.
-White Icing. (Make your own or buy it. I bought some for this recipe.)


-Preheat your oven to 350. Make your cake batter according to the box or your recipe. I usually leave it a little under-mixed because when you add the color it can get over mixed.

-Evenly divide the batter into 6 bowls. I started with 3/4 of a cup of batter in each bowl and then added in even increments.

-Add food coloring to each bowl. Make red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. My purple looks black because I used too much blue. Don't be like me. Or if you are like me, add more red.

-Now you have a few options. Make tye-dye cupcakes, make two 8 inch round cakes, or make a 9x13 cake. I chose option C. If you choose to make cupcakes just randomly plop different colors into cupcake liners and bake. For the 9x13 and the 8 inch round the idea is the same. Layer the colors in order of the rainbow. With the 8inch rounds if you make one ROYGBP and the other PBGYOR they come out really cool when they are stacked and iced. Try to get the layers of batter to lay on top of each other or you risk not having much red (like I did). 

-Bake according to the recipe or box. 

If your purple comes out black like mine, don't worry it will still be pretty when you cut into it. 

-Ice with bright white icing, it will stand out against the colors beautifully. I didn't make this cake very evenly so the red is barely there but when you slice into it you see the rainbow. My roommate ate three pieces before I could even take a picture!

Enjoy :)

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